Month: July 2007
Add Technorati tags to WordPress posts
There are several WordPress plug-ins that allow to add Technorati tags at the end of your posts. In my experience with WordPress plug-ins, I tend to prefer the simpler ones for an elementary reason: usually reliability is inversely proportional to complexity 😉 On this basis I chose SimpleTags. SimpleTags allows to manage TAGS directly inside…
Dell XPS M1330 and ship date
As I wrote in my first post, I’ve ordered a Dell XPS M1330 about a week ago (June, 29th). This is the configuration I chose: Intel Core 2 Duo T7300(2 Ghz, 4MB cache L2, FSB 800 Mhz) Windows Vista Business 3 years warranty NBD 13,3″LED display with webcam (on the Italian site you can’t choose…
Self made tag cloud for WordPress
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple tag cloud with WordPress categories and place it in your sidebar without using external plug-ins or widgets (you can read here an Italian article about the same argument). You can write the following code inside the sidebar.php file in your template, or create…
Here we go
This is the first post on my brand new blog: Yet Another Tech Blog. My name is Francesco, I’m a 30 years old Italian guy and I work as a self employed IT consultant in the north of Italy: I provide hardware/software support to small business customers on Windows desktop platforms and I do a…