Chrome Ads

Website of the most popular newspaper in Italy, this morning.

First reaction: install AdBlock Plus. I’m not really sure if that was the original aim of this unobtrusive and classy ad 🙂

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7 responses to “Chrome Ads”

  1. Pino Avatar

    Google Chrome has a large ad campaign in newspapers and billboards over in The Netherlands. I have yet to find the button to install Adblock to get rid of that :p.

  2. Laurens Holst Avatar

    Yeah, it’s hard to miss the Chrome billboard ads here.

    It seems a bit unfair, Google being a huge commercial entity having the ability to advertise on such a scale, while Mozilla as an open-source project does not have funds like that. Should the amount of money a browser vendor has dictate the success of the browser?

    Of course one can still compete on features, and of course Firefox has a big head-start, but still… I hope Firefox will be able to keep its lead.

  3. […] Chrome Ads via […]

  4. JR Avatar

    Seriously, that’s just about the stupidest reaction to competition. So big ugly flashing ads haven’t prompted you to install Adblock so far, but a Chrome ad suddenly did?

  5. flod Avatar

    So big ugly flashing ads haven’t prompted you to install Adblock so far, but a Chrome ad suddenly did?

    Believe it or not, I’ve never felt the need to install AdBlock on my computer at work, but I did after that kind of ad: not because it was a Chrome ad, but because it was disturbing and obtrusive.

    So, my first and natural reaction to that kind of advertising was not to think about Chrome, but to get rid of that ad (lucky for me, I knew how).

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