Category: Blog
The (pre)history of Mozilla’s localization repository infrastructure
With many new faces joining Mozilla, as either staff or volunteer localizers, most are only familiar with the current, more streamlined localization infrastructure. I thought it might be interesting to take a look back at the technical evolution of Mozilla’s localization systems. Having personally navigated every version — first as a community localizer from 2004…
Alive and well
Ok, I’ve finally found the time to upgrade this blog to WordPress 2.5.1 and update a bunch of plugins – many thanks to my summery insomnia. A brief summary about the last period, since the last post is over 7 months old: I’ve met a lot of interesting people, like Mike Schroepfer (photos) and Matt…
Here we go
This is the first post on my brand new blog: Yet Another Tech Blog. My name is Francesco, I’m a 30 years old Italian guy and I work as a self employed IT consultant in the north of Italy: I provide hardware/software support to small business customers on Windows desktop platforms and I do a…